A collection of my adventures, experiences and everything in between; mostly sights, stuff, food and anything under the moon.

Monday, October 02, 2017

A Game of Trolls (A Martial Law Musical for Millennials)

I was able to score 2 tickets to watch A Game of Trolls, last September 24, 2017.

And because I had 2 tickets I brought my mom along with me since I know she would enjoy it the most out of everyone I know. Plus it had also been a while since we had a mother-son date.

One for me, one for mom; A Game of Trolls ticket; PHP 1,000.00

A Game of Trolls focuses on the Martial Law years in the Philippines. I didn't grow up during those years, but I did grow up hearing stories from my mom and other people who rallied against the regime and grew up watching the many documentaries about Martial Law. Though I may have a third person perspective, I know better than to call those years and the regime the "Golden Years of the Philippines".

Watching!!! But no pictures during the show!

A Game of Trolls is about a millennial, the relationship between him and his mom and his view on Martial Law. He is told many lies and truths. He creates his own lies (and fake news) and truths based on what he knows (and experienced), what he heard and what he has to do for a living. But as we all know that the truth cannot be hidden, towards the end he understands the importance of knowing and telling truths from lies and the sacrifices people around him made in order for him to enjoy the liberties he has.

A Game of Trolls targets the apathy that most millennials have towards Martial Law and politics today. It's a nice and creative way telling the truth about what happened during Martial Law and the importance of not letting the story fade into just the history books.

My mom and I enjoyed the musical. I found myself tearing up at times, and seeing parallels between my life and the play and the present and the past.

I do think A Game of Trolls is a musical that not only millennials would appreciate, but everyone. It states truths and shows us that some lies still perpetuate until today. But with people who still seek to speak and tell the truth, there is hope for real change to happen and for lies and fake news to end!

1 Ticket for "A Game of Trolls" cost PHP 1,000.00

A Game of Trolls showed exclusively at the PETA (The Philippine Educational Theater Association) Theater Center at No. 5 Eymard Drive, New Manila, Quezon City. It ran from September 1-30, 2017. I do hope PETA runs it again soon (I would definitely watch it again)!!!!

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