Thursday, March 15, 2018

Red Seal Baking Soda 100g Paraben Free Herbal & Mineral Toothpaste

I have to admit that making my own all natural toothpaste is taxing and sometimes I just don't have the time to make it, especially with my schedule nowadays (I still try). So I was happy when I found and all natural, paraben free toothpaste at a shop called: "Ultra Super Green" along Katipunan Avenue!!!!

Red Seal Baking Soda 100g Paraben Free Herbal & Mineral Toothpaste; PHP 199.00

I've always known baking soda to be a good whiter and cleaner, hence I'd use it when I would make my own all natural toothpaste. But because it is naturally abrasive, you need to add (and look out, when buying all natural toothpastes in the market) either calcium carbonate or bentonite clay for the reminaralisation of your teeth.

So I was really happy that Red Seal's toothpaste had the complete ingredients to make sure my teeth aren't just clean and white but also strong and healthy too.

"Best" paired with....

What I love most about Red Seal's toothpaste is that it leaves my teeth (and mouth) feeling clean and fresh. I love that my teeth (and mouth) have this minty and squeaky clean feeling that lasts for hours!!!! In my line of work that's really important since I have a lot of meetings left and right and I'd hate for them to see (or smell) and think that I have poor oral hygiene.

And Red Seal Toothpaste goes well with Minka Bamboo Toothbrushes; both of which are available at Ultra Super Green!!!!

Time to get brushing

Red Seal Baking Soda 100g Paraben Free Herbal & Mineral Toothpaste costs PHP 199.00 at Ultra Super Green (Minka Bamboo Toothbrushes costs PHP 160.00).

Do check out Ultra Super Green and get your own Red Seal Toothpaste!

Thank you for having Red Seal Toothpaste and Minka Bamboo Toothbrush available!!!!

Ultra Super Green is located at:

Elizabeth Hall- Ground Flr. Lot1 Blk. 41 Katipunan Ave. Loyola Heights, Q.C.
Quezon City, Philippines

Operating Hours: 10:00am-10:00pm


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