Monday, November 06, 2017

Homemade All-natural Mouthwash

Another D.I.Y. recipe I recently "experimented" on was on making my own homemade all-natural mouthwash. And this one is another success!

The ingredients

All you need for this recipe are:
  1. Salt (I prefer using Himalayan Pink Salt)
  2. Baking Soda
  3. Purified/Filtered Water
  4. Peppermint Essential Oil
  5. Tea Tree Essential Oil
But your probably asking how will the essential oils will mix with water? The trick is to mix the essential oils in the salt and baking soda before mixing it in water.

  1. Mix the Salt and Baking Soda together
  2. Add 5 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil and 5 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil
  3. Mix the essential oils with the salt and baking soda mixture
  4. Let the salt-baking soda-essential oil mixture sit for about 3-5 minutes
  5. Add the mixture to water (in a container)
  6. Shake well for all the ingredients to mix

Mix the salt, baking soda and the essential oils....

All mixed

Before shaking the bottle....

You'll end up with a cloudy white mix after shaking and mixing everything together in the bottle. 

And that's my homemade all-natural mouthwash!

After shaking the bottle and everything is mixed in the water

And going back on getting the essential oils to mix with the water; the salt and baking soda act as (natural) emulsifiers allowing the essential oils to mix with the water. It's all about chemistry, but in a fun and oral hygiene way.

No water-oil separation happening!

I poured a small amount of it in a metal bottle so that I can bring it along with me when I travel and need to freshen up.

It's simple easy and natural! Just the way I like things to be!

It's part of my oral hygiene kit!

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