Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Missing My Kampong; Singapore

It has been awhile since I moved back from Singapore (about 9 months). And I miss it A LOT!!!! 

*The photographs in this blogpost are all of the view from my window (using my iPhone 5s) in the last place I lived in Singapore (Punggol Central) at different times of day.

*Kampong is Malay for Village

A view from the last place I lived in Singapore during the afternoon; 4:00pm

I guess it was because Singapore opened its arms to me and welcomed me with a warmth I haven't felt in a long time. Sure it is expensive to live in Singapore, but ask me if I would (and could) move back, the answer will always be a definite YES!!!!

One thing I liked the most about Singapore is that it is a lot easier for me to find temples where I can meditate and worship, than here in Manila where the majority of people are Christian (so temples hardly exist here).

Another thing is that everything in Singapore is super efficient! No one likes to waste time and public transportation is, well lets just say the Philippines is way way WAY behind.

Another thing is the accent. Some people hate it, but I love hearing that unique quirky accent.

Another thing is the food! OMG THE FOOD! I love all the smells when walking into a Hawker Centre there! And the flavours, no words can describe would good they are! And I'm always amazed at how different cuisines can be found in one Singaporean dish! I loved going on food trips there, and would do it every weekend (or every time we had free time) with my friends.

And probably the most important thing why I love Singapore so much would be all the friends I have made in my 1 year and 6 months stay there. These people have not only become friends, but have become family and people I could not imagine my life without!!!!

Punggol Central at night; 12:00am; Took this when I couldn't sleep because I was dreading coming back to Manila

So until the next time I walk on Singaporean soil and hear that unique quirky accent I have been missing, I will truly miss my kampong!

1 comment

  1. Singapore welcome you but if everyone move to Singapore there is no room left for Singaporean already.


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