Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Duo Sarika Amulet (An Early Birthday Gift)

I got an early birthday gift from a friend who recently visited Bangkok. She knows how much I like and collect quirky and esoteric things; so when she saw this in one of the temples she visited, she knew I would like it, and I do!

My early birthday gift; Duo Sarika Amulet; THB 500.00

This amulet is called the Sarika (Magpie or Mynah). It features two Sarika birds forming a heart shape (I mistook for face or a mask at first) and is made of brass. It was made and blessed by a Buddhist monk in one of the temples in Thailand.

My friend got it for about THB 500.00, roughly SGD 20.44 or PHP 738.80.

Sarika birds are considered magical in Thailand (or at least that's what my friend told me). And as their shape suggests it is a Love and Attraction Amulet. It can help attract a partner into your life.

I found that part quite familiar, because I have heard many legends and myths saying how magpies bring 2 people together (perfect example is the legend "The Weaver Girl and the Cowherd"牛郎織女). 

Small, meaningful and "powerful"

The Sarika helps boost your attractiveness/appeal to everyone you come in contact with. And (as my friend said again) it helps improve your (ahem) sex appeal too.

Swapped the yellow rope-cord for my silver necklace

Thai people also believe that the Sarika does more than just help and improve with ones love life. It also helps you charm those around you (at work and anywhere else) and create a good sense of understanding. It also attracts helpful people into your life. And it's good for those engaging in their own enterprises/businesses too. The Sarika amulet also helps with communication and helps you achieve the best result. It also brings good luck, prosperity and success into your life.

It can be worn like any other pendant or carried around. As long as it is with you, it will always attract good things, helpful people and even that special someone into your life.

The last part made me remember one of the local amulets in the Philippines called the: "Kambal Tuko" (Filipino: Twin Gecko), which does exactly the same thing the Sarika does (well I guess it's because they are similar in design; both have elements duality and two figures intertwined and embracing each other).

Duo Sarika & Kambal Tuko Amulets

I do like this piece. It's a nice addition into my collection of amulets and talismans I have collected over the years. Plus I like the fact that it came from a really good friend, thus making it an even more meaningful gift. 

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