Saturday, February 11, 2017

Apicuria Natural (Throat Soother) by The BeEmpire Inc.

When it comes to medicine and remedies, I tend to go for herbal and natural cures rather than conventional ones. So when I heard of this throat soother called Apicura Natural, I had to get my hands on one of their 12ml bottles!

Apicuria Natural (Api Latin: Bee & Curia Latin: Cure) is a product of The BeEmpire Inc., a social enterprise that offers bee-product (e.g. honey, beeswax) related goods to the public, in the hopes of improving the consumer's health.

And since it is a product of a social enterprise, of course I would be more than happy to become one of their customers!

The BeEmpire Inc. social enterprise

I like the packaging, especially the box, which is hexagonal in shape; an homage to the shape of the honeycomb (perfect branding!). The bottle a plastic spray bottle, which is easy to recycle and reuse when you finish the product.

All natural and bee-product ingredients!

Apicuria Natural contains:

  1. Honey
  2. Propolis (a substance created by bees and has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties; which also boosts the immune system!)
  3. Herbs (Licorice Root, Marshmallow Root, Perilla Seed, Mint [sometimes called Wild Mint or Field Mint] and Calamansi)

Apicuria Natural helps in relieving sore throat, mouth and throat irritations, cough, canker sore (Singaw in Tagalog) and halitosis (bad breath).

This little throat relieving miracle in a (small) bottle is now part of my handy dandy first aid kit; and will definitely come in handy when I travel and have to put in extra hours in the office for work.

So yes, as you can tell, I am now a raving fan of Apicuria Natural!!!! It's a wonderful all natural fix to any mouth and/or throat problems.

Apicuria Natural costs PHP 299.00 per 12 ml spray bottle
*Apicuria Natural is available at all Human Nature Stores nationwide (Philippines)

To know more about Apicuria Natural, do follow them on Facebook: 

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