Monday, October 03, 2016

Little Topy (Sinigang na Baboy) @ Kopi Wu Coffee Shop Yishun; Singapore

So you know how when you've been away from your country for quite sometime, you start missing the food? Well, that's been happening to me for the past several months. Last time I had real Filipino food was in December of last year. Chinese and Malay food have similar flavours and dishes to Filipino cuisine, but it's still not the same. My tastebuds and I have been looking for those familiar flavours from home for quite some time.

So when I had to run an errand in Yishun, I remembered that one of my friends mentioned that there was a Filipino Food stall in one of the hawker centers/coffee shops near Yishun MRT.

It's called Little Topy! And yes the owner and the people who help run it are Filipinos too. Who were surprised when I started speaking to them in Tagalog (they thought I was Japanese or Korean at first), but the immediately warmed up and we chatted for awhile.

Looking through their menu, it was such as nice feeling seeing dishes that I know and love. I almost thought I was back home for a second and then someone from the next food stall talked in Hookien; reality check, still Singapore! (Hahahaha)

From what I gathered from my chat with the owner and the employees, it's not only Filipinos who order food from them, but locals as well. So it's nice to hear that real Filipino cuisine is something that is doing well outside of the country (just wish there were more food stalls, especially in Punggol!).

I decided to order my all time favourite Fiilipino dish: Sinigang na Baboy (Pork in Tamarind-based Soup)! It is a sour soup, usually made with Tamarind (can also be Vinegar, Green Mango, Pineapple or Tree Sorrel depending on the province the Sinigang is made in), Kang-Kong, String Beans (or Okra), and "Siling Sigang" (Banana Pepper/Chili), Pork Belly (can also be Shrimp, Chicken, Beef, or Fish depending on your fancy).

I chatted with them some more while they cooked. It was so refreshing to be able to talk in Tagalog again. It was also nice to get to know them as who they are and not just someone who is preparing and cooking your food.

Sinigang na Baboy; SGD 12.00

I was so happy when I saw my order in front of me! I literally had tears in my eyes. I also ordered 2 cups of rice, given that the Sinigang na Baboy was a dish good for 2 people, the rice cost me another SGD 1.00 (SGD 0.50/cup). But I knew and they knew that I would easily be able to finish my meal.

It was a little expensive, but given how perfect the Sinigang na Baboy was, the price was definitely worth it! I'm definitely going back and eating there again soon!

*Total For My Meal: SGD 13.00

Sinigang na Baboy: SGD 12.00
Rice (SGD 0.50 x2): SGD 1.00

Little Topy @ Kopi Wu Coffee Shop at Yishun is located at:

Blk 732 Yishun Avenue 5, Singapore 760732

*about a 5-8 minute walk from Yishun MRT Station!


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