Sitting on the gentle slope of Lily Hill in Clark Freeport Zone, sits a Buddhist shrine with a large 5-ton granite statue of Kannon (Tibetan: སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགསChenrezig, Chinese: 観音Guan Yin); this shrine is called the "Goddess of Peace Shrine".
As I have mentioned before I am a massive fan of indigenous trinkets. I am also a fan of alternative healing methods. So imagine my happy face when I found a trinket that married those two things I am a massive fan of (another plus is that it celebrates my Buddhist belief and faith).?!
I found an online shop (from Kathmandu, Nepal) that sells that exact thing (the online shop being NepaCrafts and the thing being a Tibetan Om Mani Padme Hum Copper Bracelet).